Friday, December 01, 2006

Late and cold

Last night I went to meet some friends. As with a few weeks ago I had a couple of glasses of coke (I was driving) that I think kept me awake for a bit when I finally got to bed at 11:30pm.

I was also cold last night and seemed to be listening to the radio for ages until I finally went to sleep around 12:30am.

I felt tired (almost hungover) when I got up this morning at 6:20am and although I don't feel too bad now, I'm sure I'll feel tired later on.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


I thought I was never going to get to sleep last night. I was boiling!

I was fortunate in that I'd made myself pretty tired by going on a particularly fast run earlier (perhaps this contributed to me over heating?). Going to sleep wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I was worried I may set the bed on fire just by touching it!

Went to sleep aroun 10:45pm and woke up at 6:08am. I feel fine today.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


If every night was like last night it'd be great. Went to sleep around 10:30pm and woke up easily at 6:15am.

As I write this I don't feel tired at all.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Early night

Another early night last night.

It's amazing how the winter affects what you see as an acceptable time to go to bed. Last night I went to bed at just after 9pm. I'd never dream of doing that in the summer!

I think it was probably slightly too early as it took me a while to go to sleep. Having said that, I feel fine today. I got up at 6:25am without too much problem.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Good Weekend

Finally I've had a weekend that I don't have to spend the week recovering from!

On Friday night I went out to meet some friends. I was back home by 11:30pm. I was incredibly tired and must have gone to sleep within 5 minutes of getting into bed.

I got up at 8:30am ish. I went for a walk in Grassington in the afternoon and played a gig in Leeds at 7:00pm. It was good to play a gig and be able to leave so early - even after getting some post-gig food we were on our way back home by 9:00pm. I watched Match of the Day in bed and went to sleep shortly after seeing Reading beat Fulham 1-0.

I woke up at 9:30am. Sunday was a slow day (perhaps due to having had too much sleep?) but at least I wasn't rushing round to various parts of the country trying to do a million things. I went to bed early but for the first time for ages found it difficult to go to sleep. I must have finally gone to sleep around 11:30pm.

I got up today at 6:25am and feel fine now.