Thursday, November 16, 2006

Feeling good

Slept really well last night. I went for a run when I got hoe from work which always helps me with good sleep. Although I ate late (around 8:15pm) I managed to fall asleep around 10:15pm. Got up this morning at 6:20am and now feel great.

It's a good job I've got my batteries recharged as I've got a hectic 5 nights coming up which are going to be very trying for me.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Two Glasses of Coke

After feeling so lethargic all day yesterday (perhaps due to my night of inactivity on Monday) I decided to go for a run to kick start my energy. I felt so much better for getting some exercise. It's been around two weeks since I went for a proper run because I have been recovering from a marathon.

Feeling energised I went out to meet some friends. I was driving so I was drinking Coke.

When I went to bed (at around 11:15pm) I lay for ages feeling entirely awake. I finally went to sleep around midnight.

Despite my late night I got up at 6:23am feeling fairly refreshed. I feel much better than yesterday.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Too much?

I was tired when I got in from work last night and did absolutely nothing all night. I went to bed at 9:45pm and woke up at 6:15am.

After sleeping for 8.5 hours I feel more tired than I've felt for ages.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Disruptive weekend

This weekend took away any element of routine that my sleep patterns had shown over the last week. However, I've managed to wake up this morning feeling relatively fresh.

Friday night was a late night. I went to bed at 2am and expected to get up around 9am. I was shocked that when I woke up the time was actually 11:40am! I must have been more tired than I thought.

Saturday night was even later - finally got to bed at 3:40am! I did manage to get up around 9:30am, though, and got plenty done in the day (including playing football for an hour).

The exercise must have helped me go to sleep: I think I was asleep by 10:40pm - half an hour after going to bed. It was a fairly restless night but I feel fine this morning.